Title: President/CEO/CFO
Age: 35
Email: SQueener@sorsn.com
Shawn is a graduate of both MHS (’96) and of one of those not UT in-state colleges (MTSU ’01). Proud owner Thirsty Pixel and the sorsn.com name, this photog spends many hours a week looking through a camera lens.
Title: Chief Technical Officer (CTO)
Age: 35
Email: JDavis@sorsn.com
Jared Davis is a MHS graduate (’96) and UT (’01). Jared played football for Midway and walked on at UT in 1996 but, after serving as a tackle dummy for the likes of Robert Poole, quickly discovered developing web sites was a lot less painful.
Title: VP of Brand Development & Marketing
Age: 40
Email: MRose@sorsn.com
Michael is a graduate of MHS (’91) where he was a 3-sport athlete and ETSU (’95). He currently resides in west Knoxville where he owns and operates a Fire Ant circus. Treasurer for the “Steve Earl for President” foundation.
Title: Special Correspondent
Age: ??
Email: edge33@mac.com
Archie is a MHS Graduate (’81), and UT Graduate (’88,’90). Currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia. Played some hoops at MHS for Coach Stan Galyon. Plans to retire soon, and coach the MHS Snow Ski Team.
Title: Softball Correspondent
Age: ??
Email: bnarramore@sorsn.com
Nicknamed ‘Boo’, as opposed to his older brother Jody (Big Boo) and younger brother Josh (Lil’ Boo), Barry is a MHS Graduate (’84) where he played center for Coach Branson’s early-80’s football squads. Barry now focuses his attention on: (1)traveling this great state for the next great fast-pitch softball game and (2) adding shirts to his 99.9% green attire wardrobe.
Title: Softball Correspondent
Age: 37
Email: SRenfro@sorsn.com
Shawn is a MHS Graduate (’94) where he played the drums and marched under the legendary Mr. DeVan. Commonly referred to as “Blue” or “Ump”, this History Channel buff can often be seen in attendence of great MHS fast pitch softball.