Daniel “The Highlight Reel” Bredwell (RB)
SORSN: As your career with Midway football nears its end, what has been one of your most memorable experiences?
Daniel: My sophomore year we were playing Sunbright. I went in the 4th quarter. I ran a 32opt. and scored. They called it back and coach called the same play and I scored again on the same play.
SORSN: What game or play would you love to have the opportunity to do all over again in order to change the outcome?
Daniel: Coalfield, when they said I stepped out of bounds. I would have ran faster and made the guy miss me to score the winning touchdown.
SORSN: As you exit from Midway football, what would you leave behind and which football underclassman would you leave it to?
Daniel: I would leave my facemask to JT so hopefully he can grow up and be as good as or better than me.
Garrett “Goob” Moore (OL, DL)
SORSN: As your career with Midway football nears its end, what has been one of your most memorable experiences?
Goob: It was at Greenback on the 5 yard line. I was playing end on offense and we were running a 26 lead the ball was snapped and I made contact with my man and drove him back as Ray Ray ran between me and Big Chinn for the TD. It made me feel very good about myself that I did my job and helped Ray in for the TD.
SORSN: What game or play would you love to have the opportunity to do all over again in order to change the outcome?
Goob: I would have started before this season and played the first game against Rockwood.
SORSN: As you exit from Midway football, what would you leave behind and which football underclassman would you leave it to?
Goob: As a freshman I played just half the year thinking football took up too much time so I quit. I went to every game to watch my brother play and every game I missed it more and more. After Midway beat Rockwood I couldn’t take it anymore I had to play. Now that I am a senior playing football I feel those two years of not playing has hindered me from playing time this year and missed a lot of endurance and workouts. SO for all of those underclassmen who are thinking of quitting take a while and think about it and be sure that’s really what you want to do.
(Well said Goob, well said)
Josh Lloyd (WR)
SORSN: As your career with Midway football nears its end, what has been one of your most memorable experiences?
Josh: My first game ever came this year against Rockwood. I was as nervous as could be but came fourth down and I punted the ball, Austin runs and the Rockwood player muffed the punt Austin falls on it. So we are first and ten from the 25 yard line. I get the play from coach – fade left to me. I ran and Woody released it and it was a terrible throw. I fell over my own two feet, the ball hit the defenders helmet then hit another ones shoulder. I saw it bounce up and I grabbed it for my first completion TD ever.
SORSN: What game or play would you love to have the opportunity to do all over again in order to change the outcome?
Josh: Harriman because we just let that one slip out of our hands.
SORSN: As you exit from Midway football, what would you leave behind and which football underclassman would you leave it to?
Josh: Words of wisdom to Poe and Sugar Ray. Try hard in school and always play hard, never miss a workout or practice because Midway Football is #1
Matt Crabtree (DE)
SORSN: As your career with Midway football nears its end, what has been one of your most memorable experiences?
Matt: The Rockwood win was BIG. Lots of bit hits. I would have to say sacking the Greenback QB on fourth down for loss of 6 was the biggest.
(So winning the Domino’s Award and getting free pizza’s meant nothing to you Crabtree! I see how it is!)
SORSN: What game or play would you love to have the opportunity to do all over again in order to change the outcome?
Matt: First touchdown Harriman scored I sacked the QB instead of him rolling out.
SORSN: As you exit from Midway football, what would you leave behind and which football underclassman would you leave it to?
Matt: The same thing that was left to me from a senior last year – my gloves.
Probably to Stockton because he works harder than most people and he wouldn’t be that bad if he could wrap up.
Jon Russell (OL, DL)
SORSN: As your career with Midway football nears its end, what has been one of your most memorable experiences?
Jon: Well I would have to believe that it was beating Rockwood this year.
SORSN: What game or play would you love to have the opportunity to do all over again in order to change the outcome?
Jon: This year playing Coalfield and me being able to play.
SORSN: As you exit from Midway football, what would you leave behind and which football underclassman would you leave it to?
Jon: I don’t really have anything to leave behind. Just tell them to keep up the good work.
(So you plan on taking everything with you? I think they have a word for that..it’s called “stealing”.)
Interview questions were provided to all 10 of the seniors but not all have replied back with their answers. Those not listed will be added as they reply back.