The MHS Football Banquet was held last Saturday and for a 4th straight year, Awards were given out…along with those petty awards such as All-Region and All-State.
Below are the Award Winners.
Ashton Chinn

Best Nickname (voted on by visitors)
The Four-Horsemen
Will Poe, Eric Stansbury, Harley Davidson, and Ray Robinson

What makes this even more interesting is the fact that these four were labeled as the Four-Horsemen by sorsn staff members and the nickname spread quickly, even into the newspapers.
Kodak Moment of the Year

The Green Waves surprised the Wartburg Defense with a pass to the tight end, Steven Blasko. This was Blasko’s first career touch down.
The Seniors awarded the coaches with a gift of their own. A poster, created by sorsn’s Jared Davis, featuring the coaching staff of the greatest season in MHS history.

Click here to view the coaches poster.