Senior Cheerleader – Mariah Parton

SORSN: Tell us about your cheering background.

Mariah: It seems like I have cheered forever but I have cheered one year in middle school and I have cheered all 4 years of high school.

SORSN: What are your plans after high school?

Mariah: I want to go on to college and be a dentist and mainly just be rich. LOL.

SORSN: For those unfamiliar with internet short hand, “LOL” stands for “Laughing out loud”

SORSN: Last name “Parton”, any chance that you are kin to Dolly? If so, will you ask her to marry me?

Mariah: Yes! I am kin to Dolly and I will be sure to ask her at the reunion. LOL

SORSN: From little league to high school, cheerleading has become a lot more than just pom-pom’s and chants. Tell us about the time, practices, work ethic, dedication, etc required to be a cheerleader. Are there any differences between cheering during football season and basketball season?

Mariah: Practice is a very important part of being a cheerleader. You also have to have a dedication to being a team, each person brings something different to the table. We have leaders, followers and everyone in between. Our job is to pump everyone up and make people smile and that is what makes my day,

Yes! The crowds are very different. The atmosphere is different.
Basketball is fast pace and real energetic. Football is a once a week thing that you always look forward to but the fans are more into each play than cheering with us. Both seasons are A LOT of fun though.

SORSN: OK, we want the scoop….tell us your most embarrassing cheerleading story.

Mariah: Happened at the basketball game before Christmas break and we were throwing out basketballs to the fans. I turned around and a ref with a ball in his hands smacked me right in the nose. Then my nose swelled up and it hurt real BAD! And everyone laughed.

SORSN: Chose from the following:

Worst Dressed:
– Coach Shillings in his track pants and Florida State t-shirt.
– Mr. Hirt in his cycling attire (100% spandex)
– Coach Hayes in his BRIGHT orange sweater vest (the UT version of Mr. Rogers)

Mariah: I am going to say that all 3 have very different styles but out of that bunch I am gonna say worse dressed is Mr. Hirt. I think Coach Shillings looks good all the time and Coach Hayes is always Hot in the famous sweater vest.

SORSN: OK hold up..wait a minute. Did you say “Coach Shillings looks good all the time”? Dear Lord! Oh sweet child! How old is your contacts prescription?

Best Dressed:
– Coach Ruffner in his white oxford shirt, Elvis tie, coat and pleated slacks with a cuff
– ummmmm…sorry, no other options. Coach Ruffner is the undisputed Best Dressed.

Mariah: Yeah Coach Ruffner is always lookin’ GOOOOD!

SORSN: All-Time Worst Cheer:
– “Jackets, Jackets, Goooooooo Jackets”
– “Orange and White