
SORSN.com is neither affiliated nor sponsored in any way by Midway High School, Midway Junior High School or Midway Elementary School.  This website is privately maintained, privately sponsored and privately operated by a handful of volunteers (non paid) who support with their personal time, talents, money and equipment to write, photograph, discuss and otherwise have a bit of fun with the community known as SOR.  SORSN.com makes no guarantees as to accuracy, reliability or truth to any or all of the website content.

Should you like to volunteer your time, talents or funding to the website please contact us at contact@sorsn.com.  Input is always appreciated and the staff at SORSN.com reserves the right to edit, review and utilize any information submitted to the site.  SORSN.com is not and does not intend to be the Roane County News.  If you are looking for news and stats in a traditional newspaper setting, then we recommend pointing your browser to http://www.roanecounty.com/.

Thanks for your support.

The Staff at SORSN.com